On January 28, 1986, I skipped classes at Waxahachie High to sow sweet peas in the field next to my house. I was unaware that the Space Shuttle Challenger had exploded that morning until my friend called me and asked if I had heard the news. Immediately, I turned on the TV and found all the major networks covering the story. Still, the events of that day are tied together in my memory, and each year that I sow sweet peas, I remember the date that I sowed Wando sweet peas and harvest the greatest yield I've ever picked. This year as the date approached, I made sure to have seed on hand, and I sowed the peas on Friday, January 27, 2017, in the same field where I grew sweet peas in 1986.
The purpose of my blog is to chronicle the weather, natural occurrences, planting dates, harvests and notes about the crops on my small farm south of Dallas.